Teacher-powered is a movement for a different way to design and run schools.
Characterized by shared decision making and collaborative practices, teacher-powered schools attract a more diverse and innovative educator workforce. These educators are treated like the professionals they are—enjoying leadership and autonomy over all areas impacting student success.
We believe learning must be more student-centered. And so, decisions must be made closer to students—by educator teams collaboratively designing and running schools, and sharing power with students and families.
How it works: traditional vs. teacher-powered
At traditional schools…
Decisions come from the top: Administrators who care about kids but don’t interact with students and families every day.
Teachers do as instructed. Sometimes against their own instincts. They care about their students, but are constrained.
Students receive a school experience set by relative strangers. Individual needs are difficult to address. Motivation and engagement suffer.
Families have little place in their child’s school or education.
At teacher-powered schools…
Teachers (those closest to students) call the shots. Decisions are made in classrooms, not boardrooms. For students, not statistics.
With autonomy comes increased teacher accountability—and recognition as skilled professionals.
Students experience learning designed expressly for them. School decisions reflect their unique assets and needs.
Student voices are elevated, their agency and identities honored. Motivation and engagement flourish.
Families and communities share in this power shift. They hold a direct line to school decision makers—further increasing teacher accountability.
Administrators help facilitate this model. They give support, not orders. Most teacher-powered schools have admins or principals.