The Teacher-Powered Network connects schools, teachers, and their supporters. To join, click the button in the gray box corresponding to your membership type.

Why join?


Grow personal relationships with educators implementing similar school designs, facing similar challenges, or serving similar students. Be part of a national movement to create student-centered schools, reimagine teaching and leading, and create ownership of your school’s purpose, decisions, and outcomes.

Professional learning

Access resources designed for collaborative decision-making and build leadership capacity within your teacher team. Get helpful feedback from peers at other schools on your learning and leadership models.


Hold up your work and get help telling your story, to your local families and community, and to broader audiences through our blog and other channels.


Be encouraged and enthusiastic for the great work you’re doing. You’re not in this alone!

Membership types


Teacher-powered schools where the collective team has approved membership in the network.


Individual educators working at the school level (including teachers, administrators, support staff).


Those in external support roles who want to contribute to the teacher-powered movement: Researchers, advocates, school board members, district staff, union leaders, foundations, media, and others.