Boston Day and Evening Academy
About the Learning Program
Both the Day and Evening Academy programs serve over-age students (16-23 years old) who are graduating from middle school unprepared for high school, or who have attended high school, had an unsuccessful or interrupted experience, and are now returning to earn their diploma. Many of these students have significant gaps in their learning, especially in the core areas of literacy and numeracy. However, some students come to the program with strong skills and are attracted to the school’s small, community-based educational environment.
Life skills are often the topic in daily advisory sessions during which teachers help students to address their individual growth and to develop essential skills such as self-discipline, goal setting, and anger-management. Advisory also focuses on health and wellness, personal/civic responsibility, career success, social and life skills, and college/post-graduate planning.
One of the ways in which BDEA addresses the unique needs of our students is through the use of an innovative competency-based assessment system around which the curriculum is built. Progress is benchmarked when students demonstrate skills at their own speed, as they catch up to grade level and advance in their studies. The four competency areas and the corresponding number of required competencies in which students must demonstrate proficiency in order to graduate are: Science (72), Math (107), Humanities (119), and Technology (19).