Stage Three: Norming
In the Norming stage, your team is working together to start up and run the teacher-powered school you designed and got approved in the Storming stage. Your team will transition from the design team (which designed the school) to the school leadership team (which is responsible for running the school).
Norming stage steps include:
Developing personnel processes
Selecting, retaining, and dismissing colleagues, staff, and leaders; team-building resources.
Improving how your team’s shared purpose is used in decision making
Compelling team members to take ownership of the shared purpose.
Cultivating skills and dispositions for evaluating colleagues
Ensuring teams understand how the evaluation process works and the reasons for its design; mentoring, coaching, and evaluation skills.
Refining skills for working in a collaborative leadership model
Dispositions and practices that work in collaborative leadership environments.
Creating and refining a process for assessing school performance
Resources for inquiry, discussion, improvement, and reporting.
Learning skills for working unconventionally
Challenges to expect when pioneering a teacher-powered school in your area.