Thursday, November 29

4:00–6:00 pm
Registration open

Friday, November 30 — Pre-Conference School Tours & Reception

7:00 am
Registration open
7:30 am
School Tours Bus Boarding Begins

Start times vary for different tours; please check your folders at registration for exact times. Coffee is available at this time, but breakfast is not being served. Tours include lunch.

2:00–4:00 pm
Registration Open
4:00–6:00 pm
Welcome Reception & Networking

Saturday, December 1 — Conference Day 1

7:30 am
Registration open
8:00 am
Breakfast opens

Buffet breakfast

8:30 am
Opening Session

Opening by Jill Harrison Berg and activity by Ruth Whalen Crockett.

10:15–11:15 am
Breakout Session A

Sessions include (see session descriptions):

  • A Year of Exploration: How We Converted to Teacher-Powered Governance
  • Collaborative Support Model for Whole Child Learning
  • Creating Teacher-Powered Restorative Practices
  • Establishing Shared High Expectations for Instruction through Peer Observation & Feedback
  • Measure What Matters
  • Moving from Involvement to Engagement with Families
  • Student-Driven Learning: Opportunities for Voice and Choice
  • Supporting Student Needs: The Formation of a New Teacher Powered Team
11:15 pm
Lunch & Keynote

Lunch buffet. Keynote by Nicholas C. Donohue.

12:30–2:00 pm
Breakout Session B

Sessions include (see session descriptions):

  • Decolonizing the Mind: Designing for The Beloved Community
  • Democracy at Three Levels: Our classrooms, Our Schools, Our Unions
  • Evolution of Shared Leadership
  • “Flipping” Your Classroom to Foster Student Engagement
  • How to Build a Teacher-Powered, Open Way Learning School
  • Reframing Leadership, Reshaping Schools: Cultivating Your Organizational Capacities for Change
  • Storytelling for Impact
  • Teacher-Powered Principals: Reimagining the Roles of Administrators at Teacher-Powered Schools
2:00 pm
Coffee & Snack Break
2:30–3:30 pm
Breakout Session C

Sessions include (see session descriptions):

  • Busting Through Barriers: Teacher-Powered within a District
  • How to Build a Teacher-Powered, Open Source Learning School (continued from Session B)
  • Lessons from NYC PROSE Schools: Collaboration by Design
  • Reframing Leadership, Reshaping Schools: Cultivating Your Organizational Capacities for Change (continued from Session B)
  • Research-Practice Partnerships: Leveraging University Partnerships to Advance Teaching and Learning
  • Student Democracy in Teacher-Powered Schools
  • Teacher-Powered Research: What the Data Tells Us
4:00–5:00 pm
Roundtables & Team Coaching

Roundtables include (see session descriptions):

  • Creating the Dream: Collaborative Learning For All
  • Design Choices for Teacher-Powered Schools
  • Founder Transitions: A Critical Passage for Any Organization
  • Ignition/Booster Grant: How to Best Use $5000
  • Innovating from Within: All We Have Is All We Need
  • Shared Decision Making at Teacher Powered Schools
  • Student Engagement Strategies for Male Students of Color
  • Team workspace in the Ballroom with Ambassador coaching
5:00 pm
Break for the day

Sunday, December 2 — Conference Day 2 & Post-Conference Workshop

7:30 am
Registration open
8:00 am
Breakfast opens

Buffet breakfast

8:45 am
Closing Session & Awards

Keynote by Ayla Gavin. Presentation of Teacher-Powered Excellence Awards.

10:30 am–12:00 pm
Breakout Session D

Sessions include (see session descriptions):

  • Helping Students Own Their Learning: Prioritizing Community and Engagement
  • Know Thyself: Writing for Students and Teachers to Grow Together
  • ReStorm, ReNorm, ReStore: Rebuilding Trust and Collaboration in Teacher-Powered Schools
  • Sharing Our Power: How the Orientation Process Sets the Tone
  • Supporting Support Staff in Teacher-Powered Schools
  • Teacher-Powered Professional Learning
  • Transform and Change: Converting to a Teacher-Powered Model
  • Your Story, Our Story: Democratic Principles in Action
12:00 pm
Conference ends