Denver Green School

6700 E. Virginia Ave. - Denver CO - 80224
Type of autonomy arrangement: Innovative Public Schools
Basic Profile

Opened In







District - Site-Governed


Determine learning program
Set school-level policy
Determine professional development
Determine authorizer assessments
Determine state assessments


Select colleagues
Evaluate colleagues
Transfer or terminate colleagues
Determine tenure policy
Select leaders


Determine school budget
Set staff pattern
Determine compensation
Determine teacher workday
Set schedule
Teacher Authority Is...
De Jure

Denver Green School uses Colorado’s Innovation Schools Act to waive the parts of state law that describe schools as managed by a principal and replaced it with a teacher partnership model. They also waived other aspects of state law, district policy and some provisions of the collectively bargained agreement to gain substantial autonomy over what happens at DGS.

About the Learning Program

DGS is a Neighborhood Innovation School—meaning we implement our own unique program design, approved through a rigorous process by the Denver School Board. Our emphasis on project-based learning allows teachers and students to engage in relevant, self-directed, teacher-facilitated learning. One of the main differences is that we use a different research based curriculum for Math and Reading, allowing teachers more flexibility in planning and students to be more engaged.